Fruits of Luck and Misfortune
Other Middle Ages Are Possible
Portrait of the Artist as a Machine
One Thousand Years of Contemporary Architecture
Wolves Are Fiercer on the Other Side
Objects in Places
Amaurot World's Fair
Ruins of the Anthropocene
The Future Lies Behind
The Barbarians Among Us
Alternate Monuments
Rewriting the 21st Century
Rise and Fall of a Rogue State
Analog Documents
Fake Wall Paintings
Scenes of a Revolution yet to Come
Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Last Days of Capitalism
Concrete Processes
Banners / Posters
Sculptures (2007-2011)
Drawings (2007-2011)







The popular representation of barbarians depicts them as brutal invaders plundering the remains of an opulent empire. This superficial image overshadows the multiplicity of causes involved in the process of replacing an old hegemonic power by an emergent one. Endogenous factors, which are in many aspects the most decisive, are downplayed or completely ignored. Political corruption, economic crisis and incapacity to grow further could be named not only in the paradigmatic case of the Roman Empire: its slow decline after the rise of Christianity can be compared with the erosion of the feudal system by capitalist bourgeoisie and even (in a compressed time lapse) with the defeat of state socialism by neoliberal ideology a few decades ago.
This series aestheticizes the irruption of an eventual new wave of barbarians in urban scenarios belonging to the final stage of our very civilization. The apparent absence of locals, the slogans on the walls and the heterogeneity of its components, all this call in question the foreign origin of the horde. If we bear in mind that the greater the complexity of a society, the more fragile it becomes, it's not at all misbegotten to speculate about which kind of culture could take our place. A turning point in this task would be to stop perceiving the 'barbarian' as a dreadful threat and begin considering it as perhaps the only historical subject able to fecundate a decaying civilization.

Wir sind alle Vagabunden
2015 / 44 x 56 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper

Long Life Survivalism

2015 / 70 x 100 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper

Viva la clase superviviente
2015 / 70 x 100 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper
Keine Angst vor Mangel
2016 / 80 x 60 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper
UN Go Home
2016 / 80 x 60 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper
Protiv vosstanovlenie
2016 / 44 x 53 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper
Produktivnost ubivaet
2016 / 44 x 56 cm / Ink and watercolour on paper

Installation Views
Espacio Alexandra, Santander / 2016