Fruits of Luck and Misfortune
Other Middle Ages Are Possible
Portrait of the Artist as a Machine
One Thousand Years of Contemporary Architecture
Wolves Are Fiercer on the Other Side
Objects in Places
Amaurot World's Fair
Ruins of the Anthropocene
The Future Lies Behind
The Barbarians Among Us
Alternate Monuments
Rewriting the 21st Century
Rise and Fall of a Rogue State
Analog Documents
Fake Wall Paintings
Scenes of a Revolution yet to Come
Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Last Days of Capitalism
Concrete Processes
Banners / Posters
Sculptures (2007-2011)
Drawings (2007-2011)







The future, like the past, is constantly being rewritten, it is a field disputed by different ideologies in order to legitimize their respective models. The hegemonic story about the most desirable direction in which our society will develop in the coming decades is strongly marked by an optimism towards technology as the ultimate solution to any problem of the present. In the massive diffusion of this idea, an oustanding role was played by the universal fairs and expositions that emerged in the mid-19th century and whose zenith symbolized the one held in New York in 1964. Although the notions about the future announced there still occupy a preeminent place in the collective imaginary, the vast majority of its promises remain unrealized long after the expected deadline.
Amaurot World's Fair is inspired by the format of international fairs, in the displays used in them to show objects, images and narratives through which the public is informed of a civilization's values, its life proposal for a tomorrow that is already here. However, this fictitious pavilion breaks with the usual celebratory trend in these events. Instead of presenting and praising the achievements of a nation, it projects the parallel or future reality of an ambiguous Utopia, speculating on recurrent concepts and symbols from the history of ideal societies. In that exercise, we are confronted with the very idea of future, and even of perfection, which some present and past worldviews have inoculated into our dreams.

Remaining Flags

2018 / 56 x 76 cm / Ink, watercolour and airbrush on paper
Wreck of Arms
2018 / 70 x 70 cm / Ink, watercolour and airbrush on paper
Anti-Antiutopian Wall
2018 / 70 x 100 cm / Ink, watercolour and airbrush on paper
Mutual Aid
2018 / 15 x 38 x 11 cm / Plaster, acrylic paint
Abolition Decree
2018 / 76 x 56 cm / Ink, watercolour and airbrush on paper
Unreachable Peak
2018 / 70 x 70 cm / Ink, watercolour and airbrush on paper

2018 / 56 x 92 x 30 cm / Clay, EPS, pigmented plaster, silicone

Drifting Prophets
2018 / 100 x 70 cm / Ink, watercolour and airbrush on paper

Projection of a Column
2018 / 244 x 38 x 38 cm / Pigmented plaster, acrylic paint

El ordo sozial de la Utopio esta tre diferanta de qualqvier formo anterior.

Individuos ne povas forir el afero de la vivo a la sultro de una abstraczio nomata la stato, ma devas pritractar el en asoziazio conszia inter si. La fuvtilei i mezqvinai qvereloi inter omoi i nazioi, pri aferoi de nenia vera intereso a la bonstato de la soziedat, son desapareziti. Ne estan plu de conflagrazi, de rei, de sazerdoti nec de aristocrati, solo de fratinoi ce creze ingiunte, ne per concurenzia ma per aczio unita.

Artoi, onoroi i plezuroi estas comunoi, i desfrutati de manero ce nediu povas empropiaiselos por si mem. Unufoie moneta estis abolizita, la povo de atzeti estintatis, i encluso se avis estita algvun rimedo de cumprati preter la necesoi cotidianoi, cun superlaboro, la comunudat ne avas evlon por vendi a la individuo. Nediu posedas neniu, ma cada persono avas iuro a qualqvier cosa ce povus uszi; quand ne plu povis uszila, lo iuro caduci. Sen proprieto privata tudoi la legoi i tudoi la crimoi legai ce cvesta estis creantis compreneble finigis.

Nediu avas un sfero de activedat ecsclusivo, sine ce cada uno povas ocupaise en la ramo ce desiras. La soziedat reguligas la produczio generala i asi evligas fari un afero ogiu i alio domanu, cazi matine, fiszi postdiameze, flegi la brutaro vespere, filozofi post la vespermango; sen deveniri neniam cazisto, fiszisto, pastro ou filozofio.

Laugrade, a mezura ce ambou secsoi perdis la diferantistoi caracteroi cela productis la neegaldat inter eli, la plu crudoi apetitoi farigis refinatai. Aora la tumultoi cauziti de pasio ne plu invadas la tranqviledat de la interrilaczio amica.

Ne esta stranga ce una juna artisto neglectoi salti de la penuro al afluento i famo pri la vendo de una sola laboro. Multai artistoi en canvio ne avas tanto sorto i estas devligati a vivi sole de la subvencioi de mantenimento dum tuda la vivo. Algvuni de qvesti, antauti a la sua tempo, farigis mondfamoi post la morto, ma la granda maiorio estas simple entuziastoi sen talanto. Nediu avas intenczio de ovstrui sui vanti ma neofensivi carieroi, iace la comunumo povas subteni eli sen provlemoi.

Installation View

Generación 2019 / La Casa Encendida, Madrid / 2019

Economy and Industry

2018 / 200 x 284 cm / Plastic paint, acrylic and airbrush on tarp

Chamber Pot

2018 / 51 x 40 x 40 cm / Gilded plaster
Projection of a Column (detail)
Installation Views

Generación 2019 / La Casa Encendida, Madrid / 2019