Fruits of Luck and Misfortune
Other Middle Ages Are Possible
Portrait of the Artist as a Machine
One Thousand Years of Contemporary Architecture
Wolves Are Fiercer on the Other Side
Objects in Places
Amaurot World's Fair
Ruins of the Anthropocene
The Future Lies Behind
The Barbarians Among Us
Alternate Monuments
Rewriting the 21st Century
Rise and Fall of a Rogue State
Analog Documents
Fake Wall Paintings
Scenes of a Revolution yet to Come
Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Last Days of Capitalism
Concrete Processes
Banners / Posters
Sculptures (2007-2011)
Drawings (2007-2011)







Articulated in form of a triptych, each panel depicts a different stage extracted from the same process of social transformation. The way the image is composed, the simplification of historical events, as well as the (simulated) quality of the materials, help to frame this paintings in the long tradition of monumental artworks created to serve the established power: from Roman reliefs to medieval tapestries, until Socialist Realism murals. They are playful imitations of neglected historical remains, representing revolutionary times yet to come but contemplated from the distance of an hypothetical future, with the detachment and perspective of the elapsed centuries.


Destruction of Evidence
2013 / 193 x 160 cm / Plastic paint on primed fabric
Proportionate Punishment
2013 / 193 x 282 cm / Plastic paint on primed fabric
New Values
2013 / 193 x 160 cm / Plastic paint on primed fabric
Installation View
Què Podem? / Can Felipa, Barcelona / 2014