Fruits of Luck and Misfortune
Other Middle Ages Are Possible
Portrait of the Artist as a Machine
One Thousand Years of Contemporary Architecture
Wolves Are Fiercer on the Other Side
Objects in Places
Amaurot World's Fair
Ruins of the Anthropocene
The Future Lies Behind
The Barbarians Among Us
Alternate Monuments
Rewriting the 21st Century
Rise and Fall of a Rogue State
Analog Documents
Fake Wall Paintings
Scenes of a Revolution yet to Come
Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Last Days of Capitalism
Concrete Processes
Banners / Posters
Sculptures (2007-2011)
Drawings (2007-2011)







Landmarks shaping public space, surfaces limiting habitable areas, implemented following the precepts of rationalist architecture: straight lines, simplified volumes and flat colors. This models, inhabited sculptures resembling drafts for life-size proyects, put into question how often functionality fails to meet the actual needs of people whom originally intended to serve, forcing them to adapt to circumstances far from the designer's original forecasts.


Multipurpose Structure 1

2011 / 34 x 27 x 30 cm / Wood, modeling paste, lacquer
Multipurpose Structure 2
2011 / 41 x 51 x 44 cm / Wood, modeling paste, fabric, lacquer
Multipurpose Structure 3
2011 / 36 x 57 x 50 cm / Wood, modeling paste, fabric, lacquer

Habitable Module 1
2011 / 21 x 48 x 27 cm / Wood, modeling paste, lacquer
Habitable Module 2
2011 / 26 x 49 x 27 cm / Wood, modeling paste, fabric, lacquer
Habitable Module 3
2011 / 30 x 34 x 36 cm / Wood, modeling paste, lacquer


This imitations of fine porcelain figures taken as symbols of traditional bourgeois comfort, expose the unsolved tensions and inner contradictions concealed behind their pleasant appearance, which are also present in original ones, but in this case conciously incorporated in an incisive manner.



2009 / 18 x 37 x 33 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer


2009 / 19 x 21 x 20 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer

Free Choice
2010 / 26 x 21 x 13 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer


2011 / 35 x 18 x 15 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer


2011 / 33 x 14 x 11 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer

2010 / 32 x 30 x 17 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer


2010 / 20 x 41 x 14 cm / Modeling paste, lacquer


Elderly Master

2007 / 83 x 64 x 86 cm / Stuffed fabric

Young Proletarian

2008 / 110 x 52 x 38 cm / Stuffed fabric, wood and iron wire


2007 / 28 x 68 x 29 cm / Stuffed fabric, wood and iron wire