Fruits of Luck and Misfortune
Other Middle Ages Are Possible
Portrait of the Artist as a Machine
One Thousand Years of Contemporary Architecture
Wolves Are Fiercer on the Other Side
Objects in Places
Amaurot World's Fair
Ruins of the Anthropocene
The Future Lies Behind
The Barbarians Among Us
Alternate Monuments
Rewriting the 21st Century
Rise and Fall of a Rogue State
Analog Documents
Fake Wall Paintings
Scenes of a Revolution yet to Come
Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Last Days of Capitalism
Concrete Processes
Banners / Posters
Sculptures (2007-2011)
Drawings (2007-2011)







Found pages from old newspapers or pictorials, where different aspects of the late capitalist era are depicted in form of evocative metaphors. The missing text information, together with the two different treatments in the same image, enhance the sense of estrangement: the faded, almost black and white, realistic layer, recalls of journalistic photography, which have a taste of immediacy and History, meanwhile the geometrical shapes in flat colours are connected with the timelessness of the abstract, utopian ideas.

Since the future we inhabit doesn't look as promised, the positivist hope in a constant development has lost its raison d'etre, hence it becomes indispensable to look again at the referents from the past, still visible and radiant behind us, despite its ruinous current state.


The Suspects were Dispersed before the Arrival of the Unit
2012 / 70 x 100 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper
Nevertheless, the Ascent did not Stop
2012 / 70 x 50 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper
2012 / 60 x 50 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper
Achievements of Paid Labour
2012 / 80 x 60 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper
Another Lost Generation
2012 / 70 x 100 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper
Journey of Self-Discovering
2012 / 70 x 50 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper
The Crisis is over
2012 / 87 x 140 cm / Pencil, watercolour and gouache on paper